HEARZAP Version: 2.0 (PRD)
Getting help
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A1 - First, you need to figure out if hearing loss is affecting your daily life. Your family may have noticed you are not hearing as well as you did in the past. If you are having trouble communicating and keeping up with your regular lifestyle, this can have an impact on your decision. Your audiologist can test your hearing to help determine if you have hearing loss and, if necessary, work with you on options that may help you.
A2 - No, hearing aids are designed to make things easier to hear, but cannot restore the natural functioning of your ear. Hearing aids also do not prevent the progression of hearing loss over time.
A3 - The life of a hearing aid is about five to six years. Many hearing aids are still functioning well after six years, while others may need a tuneup or repairs.
A4 - The majority of hearing aids today use zinc-air batteries. This kind of battery is made specifically for hearing aids and comes in a variety of sizes to work with different devices. You can find hearing aid batteries at almost any store that sells regular batteries, including most pharmacies and grocery stores.
A5 - Here’s why two hearing aids can be better than one: Better hearing in a noisy environment: Hearing in a noisy environment can be improved if the signal reaching each ear arrives at a slightly different moment in time. This time difference can help the brain process a speech signal more efficiently. Improved signal vs. noise level: Sound source matters: If you have a hearing aid in only your left ear and the person speaking to you is on your right side, much of the speech signal is lost by the time it gets to your aided ear, while the level of the noise in the room enters the aided ear at its normal volume level. Improved ability to localize sounds: The brain uses the sound entering the ears from the right and left side of the head to determine the direction of the sound source. Having a hearing aid in only one ear can alter this sense of direction.
A6 - One reason is that hearing aids are sold in relatively low volume (about 1.7 million hearing aids for some 30 million people with hearing loss). Also, the amount of time and money spent by manufacturers on research and development is considerable. There is also a one- to two-year warranty for loss and repairs included within the purchase price.
A7 - Your audiologist can help you make an appropriate choice based on your degree of hearing loss, the shape of your outer ear, the size and shape of the ear canal, your ability to place and adjust the device, any special features you need and any issues with excessive wax or drainage from the ears.
A8 - Most audiology practices work with a variety of hearing aid manufacturers. Our clinic works with multiple manufacturers based on the quality of their products and their customer service. Some companies provide unique products with more advanced technology or specialized items.
A9 - This depends on the type of battery and how many hours per day you wear your hearing aid. Smaller hearing aid batteries need replacing within one week, while larger batteries may last two to three weeks.
A10 - There are many types of hearing aids on the market, and the audiologists at Johns Hopkins have the expertise and experience to find the right one for your hearing needs. Your audiologist will work with you closely to determine the size, style and technology that is best for you.
A11 - Individuals of any age group can suffer from hearing loss. It can range from mild to profound (i.e., 30db- 90db above). Below are the signs and symptoms which can help you in identifying your hearing loss ● Require frequent repetition. ● Have difficulty following group conversations. ● Have difficulty hearing in noisy situations, like conferences, restaurants, malls, or crowded meeting rooms. ● Trouble hearing children and women. ● Turned up to high volume ● Respond inappropriately in conversations. ● Ringing sound in your ears. ● Reading lips or more intently watch people's faces when they speak to you. If your answer is yes for any of the 3-5 in the above list, then consult an audiologist immediately, or you can directly either examine yourself by taking a quick test using HEARZAP or book an appointment with professional audiologists through HEARZAP right at your doorstep.
A12 - Hearing loss can either be hereditary or acquired from illness, ototoxic (ear-damaging) drugs, exposure to loud noise, tumors, head injury, or due to the aging process. This loss may occur by itself or with tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Get detailed Hearing Evaluation by booking an appointment with HEARZAP.
A13 - Quick test is a screening tool to create awareness about once hearing levels. It can identify the hearing levels of an individual. Several factors can influence the results such as environment and earphones, etc. However, you will always get assisted by the HEARZAP expert team to take a live hearing test at your convenience.
A14 - Hearing instrument identification in 5 steps technology in HEARZAP is known as Hii5 technology that guides you to choose the right hearing aid based on your hearing needs.
A15 - After you book an appointment through HEARZAP, a hearing expert with the latest technology hearing test equipment and hearing aids will visit your home and perform the hearing test that can deliver accurate results.
A16 - It is not mandatory to visit a hearing clinic after the purchase of hearing aids from HEARZAP. A hearing expert will assist you with the programming of hearing aids at your convenience.
A17 - The cost of any hearing aid is determined entirely by the technology and the features in it. Better technology will result in a near-natural hearing. Adapting to different listening environments (quiet, noisy, listening to music, etc.) requires better and advanced processing technologies to improve the wearer's listening experience. However, purchasing hearing aids from HEARZAP will help you in availing the best discounts and make your hearing journey comfortable & easier.
A18 - It is recommended to have a general check-up and service once in 6 months. If it is working fine you can postpone the service a little longer. On average hearing aids can comfortably work anywhere between 4 to 5 years. Look for an audiologist who will either guide you by sending it to repair, or advise you to upgrade or change the device.
A19 - HEARZAP buys back your old used hearing aids in working condition and offers some credit value for such products which can be utilized against the purchase of new hearing aids. Such used products will be serviced and will be fitted free of cost to underprivileged people.
A20 - Yes, you can buy hearing aids in HEARZAP by using Hii5 technology. You can find top hearing aid brands with authentic company warranty at an attractive price.
A21 - A Hearing Aid is a small wearable electronic device which amplifies the sounds around the ear. A hearing Aid is made up of a microphone, an amplifier, and a receiver. The microphone receives sound and converts it into a digital signal. The amplifier increases the strength of the digital signal, speaker produces the amplified sound into the ear. Hearing Aid will help in improving the hearing ability and make the lives better.
A1 - During the hearing test, a series of tones of different frequencies (also known as pitches) will be presented to each ear separately. ... This will allow the hearing professional to assess your middle ear health. This test can help determine if there is fluid behind your eardrum and or any other issues. It does not hurt.
A2 - The test will take about 30 minutes, depending on how many different sounds and tests the audiologist wants to do. He or she might do pure-tone tests, which are used to figure out which tones and volumes you can hear. Or the audiologist might have you listen to words and repeat them.
A3 - No doctor's referral is required and our audiologist will explain your results right away. Even if you're not sure you have a hearing loss, a hearing test will help you better understand your hearing and provide a baseline so you and our hearing professionals can track changes over time.
A4 - A hearing test isn't a pass-fail exam. But the results can show whether you have hearing loss in one or both ears and how much hearing is gone. ... Moderate hearing loss: 41 to 55 decibels. Moderate-to-severe hearing loss: 56 to 70 decibels. Severe hearing loss: 71 to 90 decibels.
A5 - Quick is an easy method of taking hearing tests using HEARZAP without any professional assistance at your home.
A1 - All your orders are shipped through authorized courier providers to near by stores and delivered to your home by nearby store staff.
A1 - Yes/No. You can return hearing aids within 14 days from the delivery date. There is no return/exchange policy for hearing aid accessories like batteries, ear guards etc
A1 - Yes. You can cancel your bookings and refund will be provided asap.
A2 - Yes. You can cancel your orders and refund will be provided asap.