Hearzap Privacy Policy
We understand that the privacy of your personal information is important and hence we would to keep youinformedand empowered with respect to your privacy on www.hearzap.com, mobile app, (collectively as“HEARZAP”). ThisPrivacy Policy (“Policy”) applies to Website, the App and its related services (the“Services”) operated andrendered by IZA Medi Technologies Private Limited (“Company”). This Policy describesHEARZAP’s use and sharingof personally identifiable information submitted by its registered users receiving the Services (the“User(s)”or “You” or “Your”) in receiving the Services, such information beingrelated to you or other users downloading,accessing or using HEARZAP. The Services offered adhere to all the laws, rules, regulations and policies(“Applicable Laws”) with regard to the collection, use, disclosure, retention andprotection of your informationincluding Personal Data, that HEARZAP is likely to have access to as a result of your use of HEARZAP.
- Any data about You, by which You, as a person can be identified, including withoutlimitation, your name,gender, business name, its address, email address, date of birth, any identity proof number,phone number,medical records etc., to which HEARZAP has or is likely to have access by virtue of yourconsensual submission(“Personal Data”). Personal Data shall also include the information of suchthird parties that HEARZAP may haveaccess to during the course of providing the Services to you. HEARZAP may also collectrecurring information ofyour geographic locations on a continuous basis. HEARZAP collects such Personal Data fromyou because of yourvoluntary submission of such information in order to enjoy the Services.
- HEARZAP may also collect such other anonymous data that is not associated with or linked toany Personal Data(“Anonymous Data”) and which, by itself, does not permit the identificationof any individual User. AnonymousData includes without limitation, unique identifiers of the device on which HEARZAP isinstalled, such as VPN,information of WiFi connectivity and such other information. HEARZAP may also store thisunique identifier, atmany times and create a profile for you based on such Anonymous Data.
- In addition, HEARZAP shall automatically collect certain other information, including butnot limited tousernames, passwords, and other security and usage related information, whenever you visitor utilize theServices such as Log Data, Analytical Code, Time Stamp, Geo Stamp, IP address, version andidentification numberof the App and device, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request,your profile, websitesvisited by you, search terms used, your mobile carrier data, platform type, number ofclicks, phone number,requested status of other Users and various status information with regard to the Servicesprovided throughHEARZAP (“Usage Information”). Such Usage Information collected is notassociated with any Personal Data and isonly tagged to the unique identifier for a particular device.
- HEARZAP uses data collection devices such as “cookies” on your devicethrough which HEARZAP is accessed thatassist HEARZAP (a) in providing Services; and (b) to allow you to enter your password lessfrequently during asession. Most cookies are “session cookies”. A Session cookie is temporaryand is automatically deleted fromyour device at the end of a session. You are always at an option to decline HEARZAP’scookies if the applicationpermits, although in that case you may not be able to use certain features on HEARZAP andyou may be required tore-enter your password more frequently during a session.
HEARZAP may use the Personal Data and other information collected as mentioned above for any ofthe following purposes –
- to effectively provide the Services;
- for the purposes of software verification or administering software upgrades;
- to allow you to participate in surveys regarding Services;
- to maintain the quality of the Services and provide general statistics regarding their use;
- to deliver Services, including email notifications, confirmations, technical notices,updates, security alerts,and support and administrative messages that you may request;
- archival or backup purposes;
- to alert you about updated information and other such new or updated services that may beoffered by otherUsers;
- to allow access to exclusive features or functionality of HEARZAP;
- to launch and/or open other mobile applications installed on your device based onfunctionality of HEARZAP; and
- to resolve disputes, collect fees and troubleshoot problems.
- HEARZAP may share the Personal Data received from you:
- With the Company’s affiliates in connection with matters relating to the consumptionof Services by you to helpdetect and prevent identity theft, fraud and other potentially illegal acts;correlated or multiple accounts toprevent abuse of Services; and to facilitate joint or co-branded services that yourequest, where such servicesare provided by more than one corporate entity other than the Company; and
- if required to do so by law or regulation; to its legal counsel, law enforcementofficers, governmentalauthorities who have asserted their lawful authority to obtain the information orwhere the Company has in goodfaith reasonable grounds to believe that such disclosure is reasonably necessary toenforce its Terms of Use orthis Privacy Policy.
- The Company shall not rent, sell, or otherwise provide Personal Data received from you tothird parties withoutyour consent, except as described in this Policy or as required by law. However, the Companyand its affiliatesreserve the right to share, sell and transfer some or all of the Personal Data to otherbusiness entities shouldthe Company, or its assets, plan to merge with, or be acquired by that business entity.
- The Company has implemented commercially reasonable physical, managerial, operational andtechnical securitymeasures to protect the loss, misuse, alteration and security of the Personal Data receivedfrom you in theCompany’s care. The Company’s security practices and procedures limit access to PersonalData on need to knowbasis only. Such measures may include, where appropriate, the use of firewalls, secureserver facilities,implementing proper access rights management systems and processes, careful selection ofprocessors, standardauthentication and encryption policies for its servers and other technically andcommercially reasonablemeasures.
- The Company is committed to protecting the security of any Personal Data and uses reasonableefforts including avariety of security technologies and procedures to help protect such Personal Data from anyunauthorized access,use or disclosure. The Company will take all reasonable measures in furtherance of the abovecommitment.However, the Company cannot guarantee that the Personal Data received from you and otherinformation stored onthe servers will be absolutely protected. Company’s systems and the communications networksthrough which youaccess HEARZAP may be subject to security breaches and failures due to circumstances beyondCompany’s reasonablecontrol. These may include computer "hacking", data theft or and physical theft amongothers. In suchsituations, the Company will try to rectify the problems as soon as possible.
- Any data destroyed shall be disposed of in a manner that protects the privacy of thePersonal Data received byHEARZAP from you in an appropriate manner as per the industry standard practices and norms.
- The User hereby acknowledges and understands that all Personal Data provided in using theApp is with theirknowledgeable consent and at the User’s own risk.
As a registered user of the Services, you have certain obligations to other users. Some of theseobligations areimposed by Applicable Law and regulations, and others have become commonplace for Services asoffered byHEARZAP:
- you must, at all times, abide by the terms and conditions of the then prevailing PrivacyPolicy and Terms ofUse. This includes respecting all intellectual property rights that may belong to thirdparties;
- you must not upload or insert any comments that may be deemed to be injurious, violent,offensive, racist orxenophobic, or which may otherwise violate the purpose and spirit of HEARZAP, Company andits community ofusers;
- You must keep your username and passwords confidential and not share it with others; and
- All information given must be genuine and true to your best knowledge. The Company shall notbe held responsiblein case of any fraudulent information given at the time of registration for using HEARZAP.
- Any violation of the guidelines as mention in this Clause 5.1 may lead to the restriction,suspension ortermination of your account with HEARZAP, at the sole discretion of the Company.
In the process of providing you the Services, the Company may transfer your Personal Data andother informationthat it collects to affiliated entities or other third parties across borders, and from yourcountry orjurisdiction to other countries or jurisdictions around the world. You understand, acknowledgeand consent totransferring information and permitting the transfer of information, including Personal Data, toa country andjurisdiction that does not have the same data protection laws as your jurisdiction. You herebyconsent to thetransfer of your information across countries or jurisdictions around the world.
The usage of the Services is exclusively governed by the laws of India and the jurisdiction ofthe competentcourts in Hyderabad. The Company expressly disclaims any implied warranties or liabilitiesimputed by the lawsof any other jurisdiction.
Any changes in this Policy by the Company shall be posted on the Website to reflect changes inits PrivacyPolicy so that you are always aware of what information HEARZAP collects, uses, and under whatcircumstances, ifany, HEARZAP may disclose it. You should periodically review the abovementioned page for thelatest informationon HEARZAP’s privacy practices. Once posted, those changes are effective immediately. Continuedaccess or use ofHEARZAP constitutes your acceptance of the changes and the amended Policy.
The App can be downloaded from third party application stores including Google Play, and iTunesStore. The Appmay contain links to other third-party websites that may collect the Personal Data. The Useragrees to complywith all third-party privacy policies, if any, applicable to the use of such applications or itsservices. TheCompany is not responsible for the User’s use of any third party product and/or serviceincluding the terms andconditions, privacy practices or the content of those linked websites or such third partyproduct and/or serviceor violation and infringement of any third party rights, policies, terms and conditions inconnection withaccess, download or installation of such mobile applications.
HEARZAP may use third-party advertising companies to serve advertisements when you contact it.These companiesmay use information (not including name, address, email address, or telephone number of theuser) about yourvisits to HEARZAP and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and servicesof interest toyou.
Any grievances or questions regarding this statement should be directed to the following e-mailaddress:support@hearzap.com